Calculate the Value of
Royalties in Pennsylvania

Do you want to calculate the value of Royalties in Pennsylvania? If so, our royalties calculator is exactly what you need!    You can tell the calculator how much you receive each month (on average) you can determine a range (4 to 6 years) that you could expect to review if you decide to sell your royalties.  To calculate the value of royalties in Pennsylvania, enter your monthly income in the form:

Marcellus Mineral Owners


Most buyers will pay between 4 years and 6 years of production based on the average monthly royalty check you receive. Enter your average monthly royalty check below to see how much your royalty could be worth.


How to Sell Royalties in Pennsylvania

If you’re looking for the value of royalties, chances are you may want to sell your royalties.  The calculator above is a good rough guide of how much your royalties are worth but the best way to calculate the value of royalties in Pennsylvania is to put them on the market for sale.   If your a royalty owner in Pennsylvania who wishes to sell your royalties, there is one important thing you need to know before you sell.  To get the highest value possible for your royalties, you want to get your property in front of the largest numbers of buyers possible.  Why?  Imagine you are selling your home and only 1 person knows the home is on the market, would you expect the best price?  Now imagine every buyer in your city knows your home is for sale, wouldn’t that be better?

This why we recommend listing your royalties for sale in Pennsylvania on US Mineral Exchange.  By listing your property online with US Mineral Exchange, you are getting your property in front of thousands of buyers from all over the country just like putting your home on the MLS does.   In addition, the team at US Mineral Exchange will help guide you through the entire process and make sure that you’re getting a fair value for Pennsylvania Royalties.   You can visit the US Mineral Exchange website and create a listing to start receiving offers.

Factors Affecting Value of Royalties in Pennsylvania

Once you have been able to calculate the value of royalties in Pennsylvania, you may ask yourself why there is such a large range of prices it could be worth.  The reason is that there are a number of factors that affect the value of royalties in Pennsylvania.  To learn more about those factors, check out our post on the value of royalties in the Marcellus which goes into depth about this topic.

Free Consultation

If you own mineral rights and have questions, fill out the free consultation form below.  We can help you with the following questions:

No matter what question you have regarding your mineral rights, we can help!  We usually respond to your inquiry within 1 to 2 hours!

Whether you want to sell mineral rights, determine mineral rights value, or simply have some basic questions regarding your mineral rights ownership, fill out the form and we will quickly be in touch.

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