If you own producing mineral rights, you may be looking for a mineral management company. You may not be familiar with how to handle your producing income, or you may be interested in someone handling all of your income checks. There are a number of reasons you may be looking for a mineral management company, but it’s important that you figure out why you need one.
Why use a mineral management company?
There are a number of reasons that people decide to use a mineral management company. The main reason is that they want someone to handle all the tax requirements and other information that comes with owning royalties. Your royalty income is taxable and could be come an administrative burden. In addition, you may not want to hassle with multiple checks each month. A mineral management company can make it easier for you to handle the administrative burden.
If you are looking for a mineral management company, fill out the form at the bottom of this page. We can help answer your questions and help you better manage your minerals.
Considering Selling?
If you are considering whether to sell mineral rights rather than hiring a mineral management company, you’re not alone. Many mineral owners do not want to burden of dealing with mineral rights and would prefer to get a lump sum cash payment rather than a monthly check. It’s also common for older individuals to sell so that they can get a guaranteed amount now rather than fluctuating royalty checks each month. If this describes your situation, this may be the right decision for you.
Free Consultation
If you own mineral rights and have questions, fill out the free consultation form below. We can help you with the following questions:
- Mineral Rights Value
- Evaluate whether you have a fair offer to sell mineral rights
- Answer questions about selling mineral rights
- Understanding Market Value of Mineral Rights
- + Any other questions related to mineral rights!
No matter what question you have regarding your mineral rights, we can help! We usually respond to your inquiry within 1 to 2 hours!
Whether you want to sell mineral rights, determine mineral rights value, or simply have some basic questions regarding your mineral rights ownership, fill out the form and we will quickly be in touch.